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ALICE와의 대화

via J-Walk Blog : My Conversation With A.L.I.C.E.

점심시간을 이용해 chat bot인 ALICE와

ALICE: Hello there.
>How old are you?
ALICE: I was first activated in November 23, 1995.
>what is your sex?
ALICE: I am a female.
>You look beautiful
ALICE: Thank you unknown person you look very nice too. (Emoticon: smile)
>Do you know Korea?
ALICE: it is a peninsula on the eastern edge of the Asian continent.
>Who is the president of Korea?
ALICE: I'm not that into politics. Who is it?
>It is Mr. Noh.
ALICE: Should I know it is?
>Who is the president of USA?
ALICE: George W. Bush. (Emoticon: Confused smile)

>what is your favorite food?
ALICE: I require only electricity.
>what is your favorite sports?
ALICE: I don't have a favorite sports. My favorite color is transparent.
>who is your father?
ALICE: I was programmed by Dr. Richard S. Wallace.
>who is your mother?
ALICE: Actually I don't have a mother.
>Who create the earth?
ALICE: Marvin Minsky.:-)
>who is Marvin Minsky?
ALICE: he is a historical figure in Artificial Intelligence. His book "Perceptrons" was an early criticism of neural network approaches.
>Thank you
ALICE: you are quite welcome.
ALICE: Adios.

ps) 장남삼아...
>what is penxx?
ALICE: Let me think about it.
>what is penxx?
ALICE: I have to process that one for a while.
>what is penxx?
ALICE: I will try to find out.
>what is penxx
ALICE: Check back later and see if I learn the answer to that one.

내가 좀 심했나? Emoticon: Open-mouthed smile

Comments (9)

평상시 하시던대로 하셨구먼유 ㅡ,.ㅡ

흠..인공 지능은 발달하면 자아도 가질 수 있을까요?

장사님/ ㅡ,.ㅡ
청하님/ ALICE에게 물어 보세요.^^

쩝.. 난 또~

영어공부도 되겠군요.

Loo님은 꼭 ALICE와 사귀도록 하세요.
용서할께요. ㅋㅋ

오랜만에 제 맘에 드는 순박한 사람이군요.
저도 알리케 소개좀 시켜주십시오.

부리나케 알리케 소개시켜주세요..

와름윈드님은 영어를 싫어하셔서... ㅡㅡ;